01. ”一言为定“英语怎么说? ”一言为定“最简单的就1个字: Deal! 但是围绕这个deal展开了很多不同的说法: That/It's a (done) deal. done有加重承诺,板上钉钉感觉在里面, -I'll go 30$ on this vase. 这个花瓶我出30美元。 -Alright, it's a deal. 好的, 一言为定。 -I'll get you a new phone , if you get a 100% score. 如果你考试打一百分, 我就给你买一部新手机。 -Wow, that's a done deal. 哇哦,一言为定! 另外, 常用的还有: A deal is a deal. You have a deal. You(‘ve) got a deal. We got a deal. 一言为定。 -I'll purchase your company for 10 million. 我以一千万收购你公司。 -Alright, you got a deal. 行,一言为定。 还可以说: That deal is struck. 这个说法来自: strike a deal strike类似hit, 抽象意思就是”接触“ 也就是达成一个deal, 反过来说就是: That/The deal is struck. -I'll pick you up, if I get off work early. 如果我下班早就来接你。 -Okay, the deal is struck. 好的,一言为定。
02. 如果是针对约定见面的时间 It's a date. 当你和别人约着见面, 如果见面的时间对你okay, 你可以说: It's a date. 一言为定。就这么说定了。 -How about 6:00 pm at Wu Yi square? 六点在五一广场见怎么样? -Okay, it's a date. 好的,一言为定。